Can Clip Studio Paint Record Drawing

Clip Studio Paint Winter Update (Version 1.11.6) Coming Soon!

Nov. 30, 2021

The Winter Update for Clip Studio Paint EX/PRO/DEBUT (Version 1.11.6) for Windows, macOS, iPad, iPhone, Galaxy, Android, and Chromebook is scheduled for release on December 7. The Clip Studio launcher will also be updated to Version 1.11.6.

Note: Versions other than the Windows/macOS versions will be available once they have passed the review for their respective app stores.

What's Coming to Clip Studio Paint?

Version 1.11.6 includes the following updates.

New Liquify Tool

The Liquify sub tool will be added to the Blend tool. You can change the shape of an image by drawing directly on a layer on the canvas like a brush.

Enhanced 3D Tools

  • New 3D primitives
    • Five types of 3D primitives, such as planes and cubes, will be added to the 3D section of the Material palette. You can combine multiple 3D primitives like blocks to create small items and backgrounds to use as guidelines for your projects.
    • You can freely change the dimensions of 3D primitives, as well as change the color and texture.
    • Flat plane 3D primitives can be set to rotate with the orientation of the camera.
    • You can add textures to 3D primitives by dragging and dropping image materials onto the 3D primitive on the canvas. If you drag and drop an image material onto a 3D layer, it will become a flat plane 3D primitive with the texture applied.
  • New 360-degree panoramic skydome
    New panorama materials for use as 360-degree backgrounds will be added to the 3D section of the Material palette. You can also import photos taken with 360-degree cameras and equirectangular images exported from 3D software and set them as 3D layers or register them as materials.
  • You can select and edit multiple 3D materials at once, including the material size, lighting, and shadows.
  • The setting Snap to 3D models will be added to the movement manipulator. Turn this on to snap 3D materials to the position and size of other objects as you move, rotate, or scale them. When you snap, you'll see snap effects such as a bounding box.

Easily Import Font Files (PRO/EX)

The command Add font from files will be added to the Font list in the Tool Property palette when the Text tool is selected. You will be able to import font files to Clip Studio Paint to use them.

Background Save


  • You can now save .clip files as a background process, so you can continue working while the save is processing. Autosave can also be set as a background process.
  • The option Show save status as pop-up will be added to Preferences > File. When this is turned on, the save status will be shown at the top of the canvas when saving.

PDF Import Available on All Devices (EX)

You can now import PDF files from the File menu > Open.

Import Gradient Files from Photoshop (PRO/EX)

Photoshop gradient files (extension: .grd) can be imported from the Edit gradient and Gradient Map dialogs.

(iPhone/Galaxy Phone/Android Phone) Improved Save Process

  • You will be able to auto save at set intervals.
  • The Save icon in the command bar will be changed to Export to photo library. This directly saves your work to the photo library of your device.

We will continue to work on improving the UX of the smartphone version.

Other Improvements and Changes

We have also made some other improvements, specification changes, and bug fixes based on feedback from Clip Studio Paint users.

  • The color of the manipulator for 3D materials will be changed.
  • If you paste an image material onto a 3D layer, it will become a flat plane 3D primitive with the texture applied.
  • The option Flip will be added to the Tool Property and Sub Tool Detail palette for the Gradient tool. You can use this to flip the gradient colors.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) Import from Photo Library will be added to the Sub View palette. You can import photos from your device's photo library.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) Export to photo library will be added to the File menu. This saves the image shown on the canvas to the photo library of your device.

What's Coming to Clip Studio?

Ver.1.11.6 will include some minor bug fixes.

The new update will include more than 40 other improvements and bug fixes.

Microsoft, Windows, Internet Explorer, and Edge are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
macOS, iPad, iPhone, iCloud, and iCloud Drive are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Galaxy is the trademark or registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Android, Chromebook, and Google Play are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Clip Studio Paint Ver.1.11.4 Update Now Available

Oct. 21, 2021

The Ver. 1.11.4 update of Clip Studio Paint EX/PRO/DEBUT (Windows / macOS / iPad / iPhone / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) was released on October 21, 2021. The Clip Studio launcher was also updated to Ver. 1.11.4.

Note: Versions other than the Windows/macOS versions will be available once they have passed the review for their respective app stores.

Main improvements in Version 1.11.4

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed.

All Grades
  • Fixed an issue where merging layers with the Layer menu > Combine selected layers or by Ctrl + clicking thumbnails in the Layer palette, layers would be shown in the merged layer even if hidden on the Timeline palette or with clipping layers.
  • Fixed an issue where when using Layer > Convert layer or Combine selected layers would apply the blending mode of layer folders that weren't selected.
  • Fixed a bug where pen pressure applied in dragging an item is applied to the cursor during the entire action when the Change brush cursor setting in Preferences > Cursor details is set to Change size, thickness & direction when pen is hovering.
  • Fixed an issue where PNG file would sometimes not be imported at the correct resolution.
  • Fixed an issue where text input fields in some dialogs could not be typed in.
  • Fixed an issue where the near plane of 3D object materials such as backgrounds would appear far from the camera when the Clipping planes was set to Set automatically when resetting camera in the Rendering settings dialog box.
  • Display may become unstable when launching Clip Studio Paint if multiple Color Slider palette tabs are displayed side by side.
  • (Windows / macOS / iPad / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) Fixed an issue on PC or tablet devices where if all the open canvas tabs could not fit in the width of the Canvas window, switching the active canvas would move the tab to the right end.
  • (Windows / macOS / iPad / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) Fixed a bug on Windows and tablet devices that allowed the height of the palette dock to be changed even if Lock palette height is enabled.
  • (Windows) Fixed an issue where touch gestures would not work correctly after closing the Help menu > About CLIP STUDIO PAINT screen.
  • (iPad) Fixed a bug that caused a lag when using the three-finger tap gesture.

Major fixes in Clip Studio Version 1.11.4


The following issues have been fixed.

  • (Windows) Buttons including the login and cloud button do not appear in the menu bar at the top of the Clip Studio launcher.

Updates in Version 1.11.2 (released October 7, 2021)

Update details

Feature Changes

The following features have been improved.

  • (iPad) The iPadOS Home indicator and Multitasking menu will no longer appear if you do not perform any operation with your finger or mouse for a certain period of time.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed.

  • The borders of the Frame Border folder may not appear properly.
  • (iPad/iPhone) Fixed an issue where Times New Roman appeared multiple times in the font list.

Note: For details on app performance on iPadOS 15 and iOS 15, click here.

Updates in Version 1.11.1 (released September 30, 2021)

Update details

The following issues have been fixed.

  • When opening a shared work in Teamwork, a message appears saying "Failed to obtain edit permissions," and the file opens in read-only mode.

Updates in Version 1.11.0 (released September 28, 2021)

Color Mixing for Dual Brushes & New Color Mixing Mode "Smear"

  • The default settings of the Wet wash and Thick oil paint Brush-type sub tools have been updated to include Color mixing. Default sub tools with new settings can be downloaded from the Sub Tool palette menu. If updating Clip Studio Paint from Ver.1.10.10 or later, you can download the updated Wet wash and Thick oil paint sub tools from Clip Studio Assets.
  • Color mixing can be used with dual brushes.
  • Smear will be added to Color mixing in the Sub Tool Detail palette for brush-type tools. You can mix colors by using the color of the brush tip shape, as well as set the blending mode.
Wet wash

Thick oil paint

(macOS) Application Frame on Mac Devices

You can now use application frames. Turn on the application frame from Preferences > Interface > Use application frame.

(Windows) Improved touch gestures

You can now three-finger tap as well as pinch, rotate and swipe, all at the same time. The Gesture configuration category has been added to the Preferences dialog box. Choose the Clip Studio gestures option to use improved touch gestures.

(Windows) Multi-DPI display support

When shown on a display set to different text scaling than the main display, the UI will scale automatically to the appropriate resolution. It even works with multiple monitors with differing text scaling configurations.

(iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android) Push notification functionality added

It will now be possible to receive Clip Studio Profile push notifications on your device. Notification settings can be individually switched on or off in the Clip Studio Profile settings.

Reduced file size

The file size when saving in Clip Studio format (extension: .clip) is reduced compared to previous versions.

Clip Studio Paint Logo function added to Timelapse videos

The option Show Clip Studio Paint logo will be added to the File menu > Timelapse > Export timelapse dialog. The Clip Studio Paint logo can be added to your timelapse videos. You can set the logo to be hidden by default.

Other Improvements and Changes

We have also made some other improvements, specification changes, and bug fixes based on feedback from Clip Studio Paint users.

  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The option Show explanation when tapping icon will be added to Preferences > Interface. With this setting, a description of the function will appear when you tap icons in the command bar and so on.
  • Import 3D files in format from Ver. 1.10.13 and earlier will be added to Preferences > File. When turned on, you can import files in the legacy format.
  • You can now show the Story Editor while working on a project that is shared using the Teamwork function. (EX)
  • When the cursor shape is set to Sight or Single pixel dot in Preferences > Cursor, the size of the cursor will adjust depending on your monitor's settings.
  • You can use Merge selected layers to merge multiple non-consecutive layers in the Layer palette. Users of PRO and EX can also use Convert Layer similarly on non-consecutive layers.
  • We have redesigned the splash screen that appears when Clip Studio Paint is launched or after selecting About CLIP STUDIO PAINT.
  • (Windows/macOS) A splash screen will appear when launching Clip Studio Paint.
  • (iPhone/Galaxy/Android) On smartphones, unread notifications and direct messages will be shown as an unread badge on the Login button in the Clip Studio dialog.
  • (Windows/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The display of some UI elements has been optimized for display on high-resolution devices.
  • (Windows/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The criteria for snapping to rulers or frames for some tools has been adjusted for high resolution environments. (EX/PRO)
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would freeze when text was selected and copied with the Text tool.
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would force close if onion skin was turned on when layers were set to Clip to Layer Below without having any layers below.
  • When 2-Blend brush tips with Darken is turned on for a dual brush, the setting will be now be implemented for all strokes made with the brush.
  • Tilt dynamics > Direction of pen and Pen tilt will now be applied correctly to dual brushes.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user moved an image within a selection using the Move layer tool and then used Edit > Transform, the Keep original image setting from the previous transformation would be kept.
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would force close if trying to display a color selection palette such as Color Wheel or Color Set.
  • Fixed an issue where part of the image would not be displayed if a user moved an image within a selection using the Move layer tool and then confirmed Edit > Transform without transforming anything.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android) Fixed an issue where the app would not respond to taps at the very top of the command bar.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) Fixed a problem on tablet devices where notification icons would not appear next to the menu icons for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO after assigning a shortcut to Help > Show menu and using the Show menu command.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android) Fixed a problem on smartphones where notification icons would not appear next to the menu icons for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android) Fixed a problem on smartphones where notification icons would not appear next to the icons in the command bar for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO.
  • (Windows) Fixed an issue where the app would freeze when importing invalid MP3 files.
  • (macOS) Fixed an issue where the app would force close if using Filter > Effect > Remove noise on a Mac device with an Apple M1 chip running macOS 11.4 or higher.
  • Fixed an issue where part of the image would not display properly for transformations after moving a layer with the Move Layer tool and changing the expression color on the Layer Property palette. (EX/PRO)
  • When an auto action is recorded with Keep original image turned off for transformations, this setting will now be correctly recorded in the auto action. (EX/PRO)


The following features have been improved.

All Grades
  • It is now possible to turn on Color mixing even when using a dual brush.
  • Smear has been added to Color mixing in the Sub Tool Detail palette for brush-type tools. You can mix colors by using the color of the brush tip shape, and set the blending mode.
  • The file size when saving in Clip Studio format (extension: .clip) has been reduced compared to previous versions.
  • The option Show Clip Studio Paint logo has been added to the File menu > Timelapse > Export timelapse dialog. The Clip Studio Paint logo can be added to your timelapse videos.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The option Show explanation when tapping icon has been added to Preferences > Interface. With this setting, a description of the function will appear when you tap icons in the command bar and so on.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android) You can now set up push notifications from Clip Studio Profile to your device.
  • (Windows/macOS/iPad/iPhone) In Preferences > Performance > Memory > Memory size to use, we have added a link to a FAQ page explaining this feature.
  • (Windows/macOS) The process of importing 3D files has been aligned with other operating systems. Import 3D files in format from ver.1.10.13 and earlier has been added to Preferences > File. When turned on, you can import files in the old format.
  • (Windows) The Gesture configuration category has been added to the Preferences dialog box. In Touch gesture settings, you can select Clip Studio gestures. When turned on, you can now three-finger tap as well as pinch, rotate and swipe, all at the same time.
  • (Windows) When changing your device display scale settings while Clip Studio Paint is open, Clip Studio Paint will now automatically adjust the size of text and icons to reflect the change.
  • (Windows) When palettes and dialog boxes are shown on a screen with different display settings to the main display, Clip Studio Paint will now automatically adjust the size of text and icons to match each display.
  • (macOS) You can now use application frames. Turn on the application frame from Preferences > Interface > Use application frame.
  • You can now show the Story Editor while working on a project that is shared using the Teamwork function.

Feature Changes

The following features have been improved.

All Grades
  • When using File > Export (Single Layer) and the expression color is set to RGB color or CMYK color, Embed ICC profile will be turned on by default.
  • The Preferences > Tool > Reduce pen pressure when drawing with finger/mouse at the start and end of brush strokes setting has been updated so that the only pen pressure at the start and end will be reduced, not on other parts of the brushstroke.
  • When the cursor shape is set to Sight or Single pixel dot in Preferences > Cursor, the size of the cursor will adjust depending on the monitor settings.
  • You can now use Merge selected layers to merge multiple non-consecutive layers in the Layer palette. Users of PRO and EX can also use Convert Layer similarly on non-consecutive layers.
  • When the Tilt dynamics of a brush tool are set to Direction of pen, Pen tilt becomes disabled for the Tilt dynamics of the dual brush tip. Similarly, if the Tilt dynamics are set to Pen tilt, Direction of pen becomes disabled for the Tilt dynamics of the dual brush tip.
  • We have redesigned the splash screen that appears when Clip Studio Paint is launched or after selecting About CLIP STUDIO PAINT.
  • (Windows / macOS / iPad / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) When using a PC or tablet, the splash screen can now be closed by tapping anywhere else on the screen.
  • (Windows / macOS / iPad / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) When using a PC or tablet, Teamwork cannot be set up on projects that are not set to sync in This device on the Manage works screen in Clip Studio.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The correct message will appear when trying to open a page in a project that has been unshared with Teamwork.
  • iPad/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook Tablets: We have changed the color of the [Notifications] icon in the Clip Studio dialog.
  • (Windows/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The display of some UI elements has been optimized for display on high-resolution devices.
  • iPhone/Galaxy/Android Smartphones: The Clip Studio dialog Login button now displays an icon for unread notifications and direct messages.
  • iPhone/Galaxy/Android Smartphones: We have changed the color and size of the [Notifications] and [Direct Messages] icons in the [User] dialog that appears upon tapping the the Clip Studio dialog's Login button.
  • (Windows/macOS) A splash screen will now appear when launching Clip Studio Paint.
  • After importing Photoshop brushes (.abr files), if Color mixing is turned on in the Sub Tool Detail palette, the default value for Amount of paint will be set to 30.
  • (Windows / macOS / iPad / Galaxy / Android / Chromebook) When using a PC or tablet, the Show category checkbox will now appear if there is space when the Sub Tool Detail palette width is adjusted.
  • (Windows/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) The criteria for snapping to rulers or frames for some tools has been adjusted for high resolution environments.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed.

All Grades
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would freeze when text was selected and copied with the Text tool.
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would force close if onion skin was turned on when layers were set to Clip to Layer Below without having any layers below.
  • When 2-Blend brush tips with Darken is turned on for a dual brush, the setting will be now be implemented for all strokes made with the brush.
  • Tilt dynamics > Direction of pen and Pen tilt will now be applied correctly to dual brushes.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user moved an image within a selection using the Move layer tool and then used Edit > Transform, the Keep original image setting from the previous transformation would be kept.
  • Fixed an issue where Clip Studio Paint would force close if trying to display a color selection palette such as Color Wheel or Color Set.
  • Fixed an issue where part of the image would not be displayed if a user moved an image within a selection using the Move layer tool and then confirmed Edit > Transform without transforming anything.
  • (iPad/iPhone/Galaxy/Android) Fixed an issue where the app would not respond to taps at the very top of the command bar.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android/Chromebook) Fixed a problem on tablet devices where notification icons would not appear next to the menu icons for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO after assigning a shortcut to Help > Show menu and using the Show menu command.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android) Fixed a problem on smartphones where notification icons would not appear next to the menu icons for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO.
  • (iPad/Galaxy/Android) Fixed a problem on smartphones where notification icons would not appear next to the icons in the command bar for Tutorials / Materials / Files / Support or Open CLIP STUDIO.
  • (Windows) Fixed an issue where the app would freeze when importing invalid MP3 files.
  • (macOS) Fixed an issue where the app would force close if using Filter > Effect > Remove noise on a Mac device with an Apple M1 chip running macOS 11.4 or higher.
  • (iPad) We have fixed the issue where Clip Studio Paint freezes when using the Apple Pencil on the iPad (9th gen) or iPad mini (6th gen).
  • Fixed an issue where part of the image would not display properly for transformations after moving a layer with the Move Layer tool and changing the expression color on the Layer Property palette.
  • When an auto action is recorded with Keep original image turned off for transformations, this setting will now be correctly recorded in the auto action.

CLIP STUDIO main update contents


The following features have been improved.

All Grades
  • (Windows) On Windows 10 and later, Clip Studio web pages will now be viewed in the Edge browser.
  • Windows: On Windows 10 or later, we added [Display pages on Internet Explorer] to [Maintenance Menu] in Clip Studio's [Settings] menu.


The following features have been improved.

All Grades
  • Windows/macOS: We have changed the color of the [News/Highlights] button.

Other minor issues have been fixed.

Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.14 (Released July 12, 2021)

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed.

All Grades
  • (iPad/iPhone) Fixed an issue where the Allocate to application value would drop when Preferences settings were changed.
  • (iPad/iPhone) Fixed an issue where Story > Sort page file names could not be used for files that were saved outside the Clip Studio folder.

Microsoft, Windows, Internet Explorer, and Edge are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
macOS, iPad, iPhone, iCloud, and iCloud Drive are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Galaxy is the trademark or registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Android, Chromebook, and Google Play are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Can Clip Studio Paint Record Drawing


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