What Does Smart Stand for in Nursing

smart goals nursing

In this post, we're going to learn how to set SMART goals in nursing that are actually help you achieve success. We're going to work through how to improve your nursing goals using the SMART method on examples ranging from nursing school, passing the NCLEX, professional, patient care, and workplace efficiency.

Time to set SMART goal 10 minutes

1. Specific

specific smart goals

Many people find their goals difficult to achieve because they're too vague.  You should make your goal as narrow as possible.

Answer these questions:

What do you want to achieve?
When do you want to achieve it?
Why do you want to achieve this?
What are the steps to achieve this goal?

2. Measurable

measurable smart goals

A goal needs to be measurable if you want to track your progress.  You might say, "I want to be kinder to patients," but how do you measure that?  What evidence will you have for how well you're doing?

If you're a nursing student, you can easily track your progress by looking at your grades, your projects, and the number of assignments you've completed.

If you're a practicing nurse, setting measurable goals might be harder.  Any goal that you can track on paper is measurable.  You should be able to see concrete progress.

3. Attainable


SMART goals in nursing should be attainable.  Don't bite off more than you can chew!  That's what dooms people.  If you don't feel like you can achieve your goal, you'll become discouraged.

On the other hand, if you CAN achieve your goal, you'll be much more motivated.  The best goals are challenging enough to require hard work, but achievable enough that you don't end up frustrated.

4. Realistic


Your SMART goals should be realistic, and they should relate to your environment.  Most importantly, they should work with your values.

If you're working toward goals that don't make sense in your practice, you'll find yourself frustrated by the wasted time.  Check in with yourself and ask how these smaller goals will help with your long-term career path.

5. Time-Bound


The most measurable SMART nursing goals examples are time-bound.  Rather than being open-ended, they have a concrete finish line.

Small goals might have a time frame of a month.  Larger ones might extend that time frame to a year.  Again, choose something that's attainable but still a challenge.

Related: A Guide to Subjective vs Objective Data in Nursing

15 Smart Goals Examples for Nurses

smart nursing goals

Let's take a look at some simple goals, along with better examples of SMART goals in nursing professionals as well as for nursing students.

Patient Care

nurse goals

1. Simple goal: I want to get better at listening.

Smart goal: I will pay close attention to what my patients and coworkers tell me.  If I do not understand, I will ask them to clarify.  I will focus on them instead of thinking about what I want to say next.

2. Simple goal: I want to get better at explaining things to patients.

Smart goal: I will learn the layman's terms for complicated medical jargon so that I can communicate more easily with patients.  Instead of using technical language, I will explain things in terms people can understand.

3. Simple goal: I want to be more culturally sensitive.

Smart goal: I will ask each patient whether I need to be aware of any cultural beliefs or norms while in charge of their care.  I will also seek feedback from coworkers regarding cultural sensitivity.

4. Simple goal: I want to make my patients happy.

Smart goal: I will work to put my patients at ease by finding out what helps them to relax.  I will make sure that I meet certain parameters in offering them care each time I speak with them.

Professional Development

Examples of SMART goals in healthcare can also be utilized to help you develop as a medical professional. Below are a few examples of what we'd call a "simple goal" as well as examples of how to make this into a SMART nursing goal.


5. Simple goal: I want to get promoted.

Smart goal: I will go above and beyond in my job duties.  If a better position opens up, I will apply for it.  I will make my interest in further responsibilities known to my supervisors.

6. Simple goal: I want a raise.

Smart goal: I will perform my tasks to the best of my abilities.  I will make my workplace more efficient and increase the quality of patient care.  If I have not been considered for a raise after six months, I will put together a case and present it to my supervisor.

7. Simple goal: I want to be better at my job.

Smart goal: I will keep checklists to make sure I do my duties during every shift.  I will check in with coworkers and ask for feedback when needed.

8. Simple goal: I want to learn from my coworkers at my new job.

Smart goal: I will ask a more experienced coworker if they would be willing to mentor me.  I will ask about what I should know while working here.  I will talk to my supervisor about how I can observe more closely.

Nursing School

Utilizing proper SMART goals in nursing school can really elevate your academic success by making your goals actionable. These types of SMART goals examples can work in nursing school or any other academic area you may be focusing on.

nursing student goals

9. Simple goal: I want to finish my assignments on time.

Smart goal: I will do my assignments when they're first given.  For long-term projects, I will create a timeline and work steadily on them until they are complete.  I will keep track of my assignments using to-do lists and schedules. Keep track with our favorite planners for nurses.

10. Simple goal: I want to pass all my exams.

Smart goal: I will create a study schedule to review all the relevant material prior to my exams.  I will create study materials.  I will reread my assignments and make use of faculty office hours if needed.

Speaking of exams, pass the NCLEX the first time with this 5-week NCLEX Study Schedule

11. Simple goal: I want to remember important information without wasting time.

Smart goal: I will create flashcards that have key terms and concepts from the reading.  I will frequently use these to quiz myself so that I know I remember the most important points.

12. Simple goal: I want to be more social.

Smart goal: I will look up campus events, join a study group, and make an effort to interact with more people.  I will answer questions in class and participate in discussions with my classmates.

Related: What's a Passing NCLEX Score?

Workplace Efficiency

Nursing performance goals could be set using the SMART goal method – have a look at a few examples of SMART nursing goals that involve being more efficient, and, therefore, more effective, at your job:

13. Simple goal: I want to decrease patient wait time.

Smart goal: I will complete patient intake procedures in a timely manner.  I will be efficient when weighing patients and asking them preliminary questions.  I will try to see them quickly without making them feel rushed.

14. Simple goal: I want to do more hands-on procedures.

Smart goal: I will complete a certain number of specific procedures in the next two months.  I will volunteer to do these procedures whenever possible, and I will ask my coworkers to help me get more experience.

15. Simple goal: I want to get more done during a shift.

Smart goal: I will put my down time to better use by sorting patient files.  I will make lists of tasks to complete and work on them when I'm not seeing patients.  I will create a system to streamline the intake and recording process for patients.

Smart Goals in Nursing Tips

1. Write them down.

Whether you write them in a journal or an online document, writing your SMART nursing goals out makes it easier to track them. We've put together a list of the best nursing planners that help you to keep track of personal and professional goals, academic deadlines, as well as other calendar events.

2. Keep track.

Get in the habit of updating your progress.  You can even use tracking apps to make sure you're on schedule. Here are some apps to help you do that.

3. Celebrate micro-wins.

Even small amounts of progress are progress!  Let yourself celebrate each new step, even if it's just a single procedure or patient. Read more on how to create micro wins in your life here.

4. Focus on your own goals, not other people's.

You're not competing with other people.  You're competing with yourself.  Keep the focus on you and don't get distracted by those surrounding you.

5. Remember what motivates you.

Why did you set these goals in the first place?  Because you want to become a better practitioner, right?  Keep that in mind as you work to stay motivated. Remember to celebrate success and achievement, as you don't want to burnout with constant ambition.


The best way to create SMART goals in nursing is to ask yourself what you want to accomplish.  Then you'll look for attainable ways to do that.  It's important that the goal be measurable, and that it's not so difficult you get frustrated.

You'll notice that in the SMART nursing goals examples, the biggest drawback is vagueness.  The more specific you are, the easier it will be to measure your progress!

Do you have a better idea now of your future goals?  What are your plans?  Let us know in the comments below!

What Does Smart Stand for in Nursing

Source: https://testprepnerds.com/nclex/smart-goals-nursing/

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