What Does the Acronym Nexus Stand for

Have you ever had an "SSSS" on your boarding pass when flying? Well, unfortunately at one point I became so accustomed to getting this that I figured I'd write a guide about what to expect.

What does "SSSS" on a boarding pass mean?

"SSSS" stands for secondary security screening selection. I'm not sure if they came up with the acronym first and then came up with words to justify it, or what.

Simply put, it means you're getting an extra thorough search when you go through security.

What causes someone to get "SSSS" on their boarding pass?

There are a variety of things that can cause you to get selected for secondary security screening. Based on my understanding:

  • Sometimes it's because the specific itinerary you're on is unusual; this could include flights booked last minute, international one-way tickets, travel originating in "high-risk" countries, etc.
  • Sometimes it's because you're on some sort of a list; I have no clue what causes people to get on lists, though I suspect for some people it's because of their travel patterns, for others it's because of their names, and for others it's because they're being watched more carefully for whatever reason
  • Sometimes it's completely random, though best I can tell that's the exception

I'm a super frequent flyer, and in the past I'd get subjected to additional screening maybe once every couple of months. However, in 2017 I was getting additional screening every single time I flew. I suspect this is because of my unusual travel patterns (I travel to some "suspicious" countries, book a lot of one-way international flights, etc.).

Are there any signs that you'll be subjected to additional security?

There's no way to know when you book whether you'll get the dreaded "SSSS." However, if you're going to get it, you won't be able to load your boarding pass online. Instead, you'll get a message saying that you'll only be able to print your boarding pass at the airport.


To be clear, just because you get that message doesn't necessarily mean you'll get extra screening. You could also get that for a number of other reasons. You'll know for sure when you print your boarding pass at the airport, and see the "SSSS" on it.


What is the U.S. secondary screening process like?

When the initial TSA agent scans your boarding pass, it will make a loud beep and a red light will illuminate. They'll radio for a supervisor and say they have a "quad" (which I guess is the codeword for "SSSS," with the "quad" referring to the four letters).


The TSA agent will tell you "the airline has randomly selected you for additional screening" (which is a lie), and ask you to step to the side. A TSA lead or supervisor (someone with two or three stripes on their uniform) will show up eventually and escort you to a separate lane. In my experience, they'll typically close a lane in order for you to be screened. At a minimum, they'll put two upside down bins around your items to separate them from everyone else's.

The good news is that you get to cut the rest of the line, so if there are people waiting, you cut ahead of everyone. It's the only positive aspect of the experience. 😉

Then you'll be asked to walk through the metal detector, and then back again. Then you'll be asked to go through the full body scanner. Then you'll get a full body pat down (which you can choose to have in private if you want). They pat down every inch of your body, from your waistline to the area around your crotch. The fact that they scan your body in three ways seems like a slight overkill to me, but whatever…

At this point, there will typically be at least two TSA agents involved, if not three. One will search every inch of your belongings. Not only will they look at everything, but they'll swab your items to check them for any residue. They'll also ask you to power on your electronics. They just need to make sure that they can turn on, so be sure you have battery power for all your electronics.


Meanwhile, typically the supervisor will take a picture of your boarding pass and ID, fill out a form, and then eventually stamp your boarding pass to indicate that you've been screened.


This is an important point, because when you get to the gate your boarding pass will "alarm" once again, at which point the gate agent will check to make sure the TSA "stamp" is on there. If you don't have it then they'll have to call the TSA to the gate.

The entire screening process takes anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes, in my experience, depending on how efficient the people screening you are.

I always have a good attitude during the process. It's not the TSA's fault, and they're not any happier about having to perform the secondary search than I am. I actually take it a step further and tell them that I get it multiple times a week and am familiar with the process. It saves everyone time. While I'm not usually a fan of the TSA as such, I'm not going to let it out on the frontline workers.

However, I've also dealt with some really dumb TSA agents during the process. For example, one time the guy searching my bag found my passports, and thought they were fraudulent, because I have both a U.S. and German one. He didn't understand the concept of dual citizenship.

What can you do if you frequently get "SSSS?"

If you only get this on one trip, you have nothing to worry about. As I said, I've randomly gotten it every so often in the past. However, if you get this designation several trips in a row, you can assume you're on some sort of a list.

The way you'll want to address this is by applying for a Redress number. You can do so through the DHS TRIP program, which stands for Traveler Redress Inquiry Program. There you just fill out basic details sharing what you think the problem is, and then supposedly they'll investigate.

That's what I did, and about a month later my case was reviewed and resolved.

Bottom line

Getting the dreaded "SSSS" on your boarding pass sure can be a pain. It'll add quite a bit of time to the screening process, and is invasive, as they'll touch every inch of you and your bag. If you just get this as a one-off thing, don't be worried. However, if you get this several times in a row, there's a chance you're on some sort of a list, and may want to start the DHS TRIP process.

If you've gone through secondary screening in the U.S., what was your experience like?

What Does the Acronym Nexus Stand for

Source: https://onemileatatime.com/what-does-ssss-on-boarding-pass-mean/

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